The Legal Diversity Pipeline Program creates opportunities for law firms and corporate legal departments to teach and inspire high school students who are often underrepresented in the legal profession. Volunteer legal professionals teach lessons and lead activities designed to increase students' knowledge and interest in the law and legal careers.

Educating and inspiring the next generation of legal professionals.

Since launching in 2001, more than 120 corporations, law firms, and ACC chapters have participated in the program, often as a component of their organization’s broader diversity or CSR efforts.  

Street Law connects volunteers with a local high school and trains and equips them to provide an educational and inspirational experience to the students. 

Street Law draws from decades of experience and expertise in collaborating with the legal community to implement early education pipeline programs. Each program site is carefully constructed to meet the needs of young people, align with the volunteers’ skill sets, and provide long-term sustainability.

Contact Us

Law firms, corporations, and ACC Chapters: contact us to learn more about participating in the Legal Diversity Pipeline Program.

Petronilla Sylvester
Director, Legal Career Pathway Programs


Street Law implements this program with support and collaboration from two national partners: NALP and the Association of Corporate Counsel.

View the directory of participating companies, law firms, and ACC Chapters.