
Advancing civic and law-related education to
empower all people
to positively transform their world.

Advancing civic and law-related education to
empower all people
to positively transform their world.

Advancing civic and law-related education to
empower all people
to positively transform their world.
School systems play a crucial role in shaping the next generation into informed, engaged community members. A key component of this responsibility is equipping young people with the skills to engage in respectful, fact-based, and productive discussions on contested, and often contentious, issues. Achieving this goal demands strong support for educators. Professional development, high-quality instructional materials, and administrator buy-in are…
In the latest edition of the Journal of Social Education, Street Law’s Cathy Ruffing writes about democratic simulations — what they are, why exactly they’re considered so beneficial to young learners, and how educators can effectively utilize them in their classroom. If you are a journal member, you can access the article on the NCSS website. If you are not a journal member,…
As we bid farewell to 2024, we reflect on a year marked by rapid change and resilience in our communities. Amid these shifts, Street Law remained steadfast in our mission to harness education as powerful catalyst for empowerment and justice.

Upcoming Events
First Amendment: New York Times v. Sullivan Teacher Workshop
Saturday, March 8, 2025Join us to explore the relationship of the Civil Rights movement to this landmark 1964 freedom of the press Supreme Court case. The workshop will take place on Saturday, March 8 from 9 am - 3 pm Eastern.
2025 Supreme Court Summer Institute
June 8-13 or June 22-27, 2025Each year we select 60 teachers from a pool of applicants to come to Washington, D.C. for six days of educational activities that strengthen and expand instruction about the U.S. Supreme Court.