Workshops Enable Community College Program to Reach More People

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Workshops Enable Community College Program to Reach More People

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This fall Street Law partnered with Truman College in Chicago, LAF (Legal Assistance Foundation), and the Chicago Bar Foundation to pilot an innovative workshop series to teach college students and community members about practical areas of law that they can use to improve their daily lives.

Three interactive, participant-centered workshops on housing law (September 17), small claims court/access to justice (October 15), and family law/child support (November 19) are being offered at Truman College and are open to all members of the community. The workshops are off to a successful start with the September workshop on housing law attracting nearly 20 students and community members!

The 90-minute workshops have Street Law’s trademark characteristics:

  1. They provide practical, relevant legal information
  2. They use engaging activities and interactive strategies that allow participants to practice applying what they have learned (e.g., mock lease negotiations, court hearing simulations, and mock child support agreement negotiations)
  3. They involve trained legal resource people (in this case, legal services lawyers)

This alternative to the traditional Street Law course may appear at a number of community colleges in the future. The program is made possible through a grant from the Chicago Bar Foundation to Street Law.

Image Caption: Students at Truman Community College

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