The Impact of a Street Law Volunteer

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The Impact of a Street Law Volunteer

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In partnership with the Verizon Foundation and the BRICK Education Network, Street Law recently launched a new Legal Life Skills program in Newark, New Jersey’s Marion P. Thomas Charter High School of Culinary and Performing Arts. The Legal Life Skills Program targets young people who are most vulnerable to racism and injustice, and provides them with the legal knowledge and skills needed to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Over the past month, Verizon volunteers have facilitated virtual lessons on topics including Rights & Responsibilities in the Workplace, Intro to Credit, and Banking Basics during the morning advisory class period at Marion P. Thomas. The program will continue into the fall semester of next school year, and will reach more than 500 students in total.

To understand the project’s impact, we asked volunteers from Verizon as well as educators and administrators from Marion P. Thomas for their thoughts on the project.


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