New State Guidance to Improve the Rigor of Instruction in Social Studies

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New State Guidance to Improve the Rigor of Instruction in Social Studies

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After three and a half years of hard work, led by more than 20 states in cooperation with 15 social studies content organizations with the participation of dozens of scholar-writers and over 3,000 reviewers, College, Career and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards is here!

The C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards is a powerful guide to help each state strengthen instruction in the social studies by establishing fewer, clearer and higher standards for instruction in civics, economics, geography and history, K-12. The C3 Framework will also be an invaluable tool for teachers, school districts and curriculum writers to strengthen their social studies programs. Its objectives are to

  • enhance the rigor of the social studies disciplines
  • build critical thinking, problem solving, and participatory skills to become engaged citizens
  • align academic programs to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Street Law, Inc. is proud to be involved with the development of the C3 Framework. You can learn more about the framework on the National Council for the Social Studies’ website:

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