McDonald’s Celebrates 15 Years of Pipeline Program Success!

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McDonalds Celebrates 15 Years of Pipeline Program Success

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In 2001, when the idea for the Legal Diversity Pipeline Program was in its infancy, the McDonald’s legal department signed on to help Street Law design and pilot its new volunteer program. Street Law trained legal department volunteers to teach students at a local high school about law and legal careers, with a goal of encouraging young people of color to consider a career in law.

Fast forward 15 years, and the McDonald’s Pipeline Program is still going strong! The legal department recently assembled to celebrate the program’s success and receive a 15-year recognition award from Street Law, Inc. McDonald’s willingness to take a chance on piloting and advising Street Law in the development of the Pipeline Program helped to grow the program into what it is today: More than 50 companies and ACC chapters conduct the program in 90 locations, reaching 4,000 students each year! Street Law enthusiastically thanks McDonald’s legal department and congratulates them on the remarkable achievement of 15 years of pro bono work and diversity pipeline programming!

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