Fostering Grassroot Activism in Kosovo Through Community Leadership Academies

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Street Law is building leadership and advocacy skills in Kosovar youth through an exciting democracy education project in collaboration with the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).  

Street Law, with its 50 years of experiencing in curriculum development and training, was brought in by KCSF to develop the Community Leadership Academy—an initiative that includes the development of a leadership and activism curriculum and training community leaders to implement the program locally. The Community Leadership Academy is one part of a wider KCSF initiative—the Citizen Engagement Activity (CEA)–working to strengthen civil society in Kosovo by energizing community activism, developing the capacity of civil society organizations, and building partnerships and trust across sectors.   

To develop the 24-lesson curriculum, Street Law drew lessons from our robust resource library, including learning materials on democratic principles, human rights, rule of law, and civic action. Central to the lessons were Street Law’s hallmark interactive, learner-centered teaching strategies, including our Deliberations methodology. Street Law consulted closely with KCSF to ensure lessons accurately reflected Kosovo’s laws, structure of government, culture, and youth culture.

In October 2022, Street Law staff traveled to Gjilan to train community leaders, who will serve as regional Community Leadership Academy facilitators. The training familiarized them with the curriculum, interactive training methodology, project planning needs, and Academy goals. 

“The curriculum… has created a solid bases to provide to Kosovo youth the knowledge and skills to organize their communities, network with various sectors within society, and explore solutions to problems in their communities,” said Dren Puka, Chief of Party, Citizen Engagement Activity, KCSF. “All this is being done to result in energized community activism, but also higher demand for accountability toward institutions.”

Over the next three years, Street Law will hold regular virtual coaching sessions with the trainers, conduct trips out to Kosovo to observe the lessons, and facilitate skills refresher and peer learning sessions during CEA leadership conferences. 

By focusing on making sure the Kosovar trainers have the skills, confidence, and competencies to carry out the trainings themselves, we ensure that this program, and the democratic principles that it builds continues to have an impact on Kosovo for years to come, even long after Street Law is no longer directly involved. 

As a result of this project, hundreds of young people across Kosovo are gaining the skills, confidence, and knowledge needed to become active members of their society, and strengthen democratic norms.

This activity has been organized by the Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo, implemented by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation in Kosovo (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Street Law is a partner of KCSF in implementing with activity.

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