Creating Change at the 2014 Awards Dinner

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Creating Change at the 2014 Awards Dinner

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Street Law’s annual Awards Dinner generates essential support for our programs and celebrates our advocates and educators from around the world. However, at the 2014 event, a generous group of dinner guests were the true champions!

With the help of the enthusiastic and persuasive Susan Hackett, a Street Law board member and CEO of Legal Executive Leadership, attendees were invited to help support the development of two new Youth in Transition sites. Youth in Transition empowers the most vulnerable youth populations through education about law and legal life skills.

Within a matter of minutes, our guests came together to fund two sites in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. A big thank you to the following donors for their generosity:

  • Susan Anthony
  • Alexandra Ashbrook
  • Carter Beck
  • Anne Bertsch
  • Gayle Boone
  • Alex Bourelly
  • Patrick Campbell
  • Scott Campbell
  • Vincent Catanzaro
  • Patricia Cousins
  • Nakeena Covington
  • David Cross
  • Raquel DaFonseca
  • Bill Deckelman
  • Philip Dufour
  • Kenneth Ewing
  • Richard Feinstein
  • Shon Glusky
  • Susan Hackett
  • Craig Hoover
  • Bruce Ives
  • William Johnson
  • Craig Laidig
  • James Leipold
  • Kristin Major
  • Paul Mamalian
  • Amy Mauser
  • Ginger McCauley
  • Justin Miller
  • Meg Milroy
  • Christophe Mosby
  • Scott & Natalie Fleming-Nolen
  • Kevin & Alice Reilly
  • Gwen Romack
  • Ruairidh Ross
  • Amy Rudwick
  • Ed Ryan
  • John Schultz
  • Sabrina Shadhi
  • Carren Shulman
  • Steve Sumner
  • Marcia Sundeen
  • Ernest Tuckett
  • Ray Umstead
  • Shaun Zhang
Image Caption: Susan Hackett

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